July 16, 2011

Okra - Bhindi

You need lots of Okra plus some onion. The okra shrinks dramatically after it cooks so dont add any water while cooking!

Chop the okra and onion - red onions are preferred but you can use white ones too:

Add some oil to a pot and add the onions first. Cook until they are brown.

Add in the Orka and masalas - salt, haldi, garam masala. Cover and cook to steam the okra.

Ready to eat!

July 9, 2011

MexMasala Gobi

Start with the original Gobi recipe. When it comes time to add the masalas give it a twist and add some tomato+chili salsa.

This is make it look more red too. Finally top off with some freshly chopped cilantro.

June 23, 2011

Making Paneer from Milk

Ingredients: Whole milk and lemon juice.

Pour the milk in a pot and on a low heat keep stirring until it comes to a boil.

Dilute the 1-cup of lemon juice with some water. You may need to add some more lemon juice later as well.

Prepare the strainer with covering it with some cheese-cloth.

June 14, 2011

Mexican hotdogs - in the wild

Hotdog salsa - chopped tomatoes, onions, pickled jalapenos. This will get added to the cooked dogs.

Cook the hotdogs and heat the buns - cover with butter first.