September 13, 2011

Baked Aloo

Clean and chop potatoes. Cover with cling wrap and cook in microwave until soft.

You can use a toast-r-oven or your main big oven depending on your serving size. Lay out on the tray and add the spices and some oil - salt, garlic, parsley, basil and oregano.

Bake until they are brown and ready to serve!

September 5, 2011

Green Beans

Simple and healthy. Put some chopped green beans in a covered pot. Add salt, oil, haldi, garam masala and some chilli to taste. Don't add any additional water!

Ready to serve!

August 27, 2011

Tapatio aloo - HOT!

For some spicy breakfast potatoes - country style - start with potatoes cooked in the microwave. Break them into pieces. You ofcourse need some Tapatio sauce!

Break the potatoes - don't use a knife.

Add to a pan with some olive oil. Add salt, basil, parsley and some oregano.

Cook until nice and brown - this is a slow process so be patient. When ready add the tapatio, stir and serve!
Caution - can be very spicy.