December 19, 2012

Mutter Panner

Finely chop red onions and tomatoes. Prepare the curry by first cooking the onion with olive oil until brown. Then add the tomatoes and spices - haldi, salt, garam masala and chili.

Cut paneer into cube. You can fry the paneer too (separately) if you wish but you can reduce some oil by just adding in the paneer to the gravy. Add some frozen peas as well. Gently stir for few minutes until the peas are cooked.

December 5, 2012


For this yum pie you ofcourse need cream cheese (Philadelphia), condensed milk, eggs (2), pie crust and some homemade vanilla extract. Pre-heat your oven to 375 F then start preparing.

Mix the ingredients in your blender. Pour into the pie crust and bake for 20-30 mins. The test is to poke a fork and see it come out clean!

Eat in moderation!

November 27, 2012


Chop the ingredients and then stir fry tomato, onion, chili.(the egg plant and potatoes here are for a different recipe!)

Add the calabazitas (zucchini) and cover and cook until they are soft. Serve as a side dish and add lime before serving and eat with tortillas.