Showing posts with label milk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milk. Show all posts

November 7, 2012


Something to sweeten your day - main ingredients - eggs, condensed milk, evaporated milk, regular milk and sugar! Before anything else set to pre-heat your oven to 375F

Prepare the mix - In a blender add eggs, vanilla (home made!), milk, condensed and evaporated milk.

Prepare the caramelized sugar then pour into a Pyrex pan ready for the oven!

December 3, 2011

Hot Chocolate - Abuelita with Bolillo, Pan Dulce

Perfect for the winter time and camping!

  • Milk
  • Chocolate Abuelita (found in Mexican Stores)
  • Pan dulce, or bolillo

One tablet of Chocolate Abuelita makes 4 cups

The tablet can be cut into multiple pieces by hitting it on the ridge of your counter with the paper cover on.

Add milk to a pot.

Add Chocolate Abuelita, depending on the amount of milk you have.

Alternate - you can use Ibarra as well.

 Let it warm up and stir with a whisk (molinillo).

Let it boil for a few minutes.



Enjoy with pan dulce and/or bolillo!

For best results, dip bread into hot chocolate!

April 24, 2011

Chai - the Indian way

Doing it the Indian way, start with half and half of water and milk and start to boil. You can also add a piece of ginger if you want a flavor.

Once warm add some loose tea - orange pekoe is a pretty standard one you can find in any Indian store.

Watch it carefully as it may boil over!

Boil it until the color is right for your taste. Then strain out the tea leaves, add some sugar and ready for chai time!